The death of Ivan Mazepa. Sketch (2)
Taras Shevchenko. The death of Ivan Mazepa. After poem K.F. Ryleev "Vojnarovsky". Sketches and drafts.
[1843, 1st half. St. Petersburg – Ukraine (?)].
Pencil on paper. 17,6 × 26,5 cm.
Department of Manuscripts and mode of literature
them. T.H. Shevchenko National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, fund 1, № 106.
Sketches written on the back of 15th sheet of Album 1840 – 1844. Left bottom is marked: 27 (number of page in album).
In the middle of the sheet – the tones processed picture harmonically inscribed in the interior with vaulted ceiling, the same as in a small sketch that on the back of the sketch "Anton Golovaty at the Neva". Right – preparatory sketch composition and its partially extended for the next 16th sheet of the album, along with another sketch this story.
Dated approximately the first half of 1843, as well as other sketches in this series.
First mentioned in 1932 and reproduces by A.P. Novitsky called "Charles XII of Sweden and Mazepa" [Shevchenko T. Complete Works. – [X., 1932. – T. 8]. – C. 6. – № 26. – T. 149].
Mentioned with name "Composition on the historical topic» [Shevchenko T. Complete works in 10 volumes. – K., 1961. – Vol. 7, part 2. – № 182], "Charles XII in the dying Mazepa " [Description of manuscripts T. Shevchenko. – K., 1961. – P. 230].
Storage areas within the Album: no later than 1885 – came to the V.V. Tarnowski's collection; from 1899 – V. Tarnowski's Chernihiv museum of ukrainian antiquities, 1925 – Chernihiv Historical Museum, 1933 – Taras Shevchenko institute; since 1936 – Shevchenko Institute of ukrainian literature.
V. A. Sudak
After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete works in 10 volumes. – Kyiv: ed. Academy of sciences of UkrSSR, 1961, Vol. 7, part 2, № 182 (image); T.H. Shevchenko Complete works in 12 volumes. – Kyiv: Naukova Dumka, 2003, v. 7, p. 455 (note).