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Taras Shevchenko

Encyclopedia of the life and works


Song of young Kazakh

Taras Shevchenko. Song of young Kazakh

Taras Shevchenko. Song of the young Kazakhs. Paper, sepia (25.2 × 17.5 cm). [VI 1851 – VII 1857]. Property I. Zilberstein, Moscow.

Dated future reference Shevchenko to Novopetrovsk building, since the summer of 1851, as evidenced by the image of a summer landscape.

The same story Shevchenko developed repeatedly "Trio" (see number 5), bas-relief "Trio" 1853 (№ 209), statuary 1853 – 1856 (№ 213).

More pictures from the life of Kazakhs made in fort Novopetrovsk, see number 32, 45, 50, 56, 57, 61.

S. E. Raevsky mistakenly dated drawing in 1848 [S. E. Raevsky, Life and works of artist Taras Shevchenko, X., 1939, Table 49]

Storage areas: property of S. P. Jaremych.

In 1939 was displayed at the Republican Shevchenko Jubilee exhibition, Kyiv (Product, № 221).

I. M. Verykivska, K. V. Chumak

After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete Works in 10 volumes. – Kyiv: ed. Academy of sciences of UkrSSR, 1964, Vol. 9, № 18 (image), p. 17 (note).