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Taras Shevchenko

Encyclopedia of the life and works


Turkmen abas

Taras Shevchenko. Turkmen abas

Taras Shevchenko. Turkmen abas. Stained paper and pencil (17.8 × 29.2 cm). [VIII – Not later than 6.IX 1851]. Taras Shevchenko National Museum, inv. g – 536.

Pencil bottom right by hand Shevchenko 44.

Top right ink marked: Number 117 – 64.

Presence of author's number 44 suggests that this figure was made in late August or early September 1851, when the expedition returned to Hanga Baba. Here, according to Br. Zaleski was "great Kyrgyz cemetery" [see. Ivan Franko, . – "Leaves to the wreath on the grave of Shevchenko", Lviv, 1890, p. 37 – 38].

Images of these tombs (aba) in the same area see number 7 and number 76, 79 and etching by Br. Zaleski "Agaspejar cemetery" [album «La vie des steppes Kirghizes», Paris, 1865, between p. 54 – 55].

Storage areas: V. Tarnowski's Chernihiv museum of ukrainian antiquities – № 299, Chernihiv Historical Museum, Gallery of pictures by T.H. Shevchenko (Kharkiv).

I. M. Verykivska, N. P. Prokopenko

After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete Works in 10 volumes. – Kyiv: ed. Academy of sciences of UkrSSR, 1964, Vol. 9, № 105 (image), p. 56 (note).