Order from Paul I
Taras Shevchenko. Order from Paul I.
[1842, not later than August. St. Petersburg].
Reproduced by polytypage. 9 × 8,2 cm
Reproduced on page 221 of the book "History of Suvorov".
At the bottom left monogram of engravers Andrew, Best and Leloire: ABL.
Illustration not signed by Shevchenko. However, his authorship is confirmed by common parts of the artwork with others, signed, particularly in the figure and face of Suvorov, characters in court, in the interior and more.
Figure Shevchenko, which produced prints, dating approximately the summer of 1842, not later than August.
Illustration to text on page 220 of book. Due to the complexity of the political situation in Europe Paul has to offer military leader Suvorov return from exile and lead the Russian army for new campaigns to Italy, Switzerland and France. Before going to Italy Pavel awarded Suvorov with Order of St. John of Jerusalem.
April 15, 1843 it was announced in the press that the second issue of "History of Suvorov" sent to subscribers [Northern Bee. – 1843. – 15 April], where the artwork was reproduces for the first time.
The first mentioned as a work of Shevchenko by V.A. Sudak in 1959 [Sudak V.A. Shevchenko's participation in illustrations of Russian book editions // Artistic heritage of T.H. Shevchenko. – K., 1959. – Vol. 1. – p. 36 – 38]
Mentioned called "Suvorov receives award from Paul, before going to Italy" [Taras Shevchenko Complete Works in 10 volumes. – K.: 1961, vol. 7, Bk. 1. – p. 24. – № 59].
V.A. Sudak, L.D. Zinchuk
After publication: T.H. Shevchenko Complete Works in 12 volumes. – K.: Naukova Dumka, 2003, v. 7, p. 150 – 151 (image), p. 408 – 409 (note).