Playing with children
Taras Shevchenko. Playing with children.
[1842, not later than August. St. Petersburg].
Reproduced by polytypage. 6,7 × 8,4 cm
Reproduced on page 212 of the book "History of Suvorov".
Shevchenko's signature at the bottom left T.SH.; right monogram engravers Andrew, Best and Leloire: ABL.
Figure Shevchenko, which produced prints, dating approximately the summer of 1842, not later than August.
Illustration to text on page 212 of book. In the village Konchanskoe, Suvorov family estate, where he was sent by Paul I, commander in times of leisure interacted with the villagers engaged in charity, playing with peasant children. In the illustration shows children playing in pigs, which is involved Suvorov.
April 15, 1843 it was announced in the press that the second issue of "History of Suvorov" sent to subscribers [Northern Bee. – 1843. – 15 April], where the artwork was reproduces for the first time.
Remembered with names: "Suvorov fun with the peasant boys" [Shyrotsky K. Shevchenko as an illustrator // Shevchenko's collection. – St. Petersburg, 1914. – Vol. 1. – p. 105], "Suvorov, playing with peasant children in Konchanskoe" [Vladych L. The image of Suvorov in pictures by T.H. Shevchenko // Soviet Art. – 1950. – March 1], "Suvorov plays with the peasant boys" [A. Novoselov-Khmelnytsky Shevchenko Russian illustrated edition // Dnieper. – 1964. – № 6. – p. 121], "Suvorov, playing with peasant children" [Pomarnatsky A.V. Portraits of A.V. Suvorov: iconographic essay. – L., 1963. – p. 147].
V.A. Sudak, L.D. Zinchuk
After publication: T.H. Shevchenko Complete Works in 12 volumes. – K.: Naukova Dumka, 2003, v. 7, p. 148 – 148 (image), p. 408 (note).