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Taras Shevchenko

Encyclopedia of the life and works


Akmysh Tau (2)

Taras Shevchenko. Akmysh Tau (2)

Taras Shevchenko. Akmysh Tau. Watercolour (16.8 × 29.3 cm). [VII – 8.VIII 1851]. Taras Shevchenko National Museum, inv. g – 500.

Lower left – pencil inscription by hand Shevchenko: 25. ak mysh Tau.

The inscription on the front of the picture taken during Kara-Tau expedition, as well as the other numbered by the author pictures this time (see № 117, 71124).

Author's number on the back means the serial number in a series of pictures sent by Shevchenko to Br. Zaleski for "Vilna album" (see number 58).

Dated by residence time in the North Ak-Tau.

Other images of Akmysh Tau mount see number 11 and 89.

Picture of similar mountains see number 83, 86, 90, 93 and the watercolor "Chyrkala Tau» performed during Kara-Tau expedition, as well as in etching by Br. Zaleski "Mountain ridge Ak-Tau" [album «La vie des steppes Kirghizes», Paris, 1865, between p. 62 – 63].

Storage areas: V. Tarnowski's Chernihiv museum of ukrainian antiquities – № 263, Chernihiv Historical Museum, Gallery of pictures by T.H. Shevchenko (Kharkiv).

I. M. Verykivska, N. P. Prokopenko

After publication: Taras Shevchenko Complete Works in 10 volumes. – Kyiv: ed. Academy of sciences of UkrSSR, 1964, Vol. 9, № 12 (image), p. 12 (note).